This Wednesday’s Farm Share will most likely include:
Salad Mix, Lettuce Mix, Summer Squash, Sweet Pepper (orange or red in color), Tomatoes (slicing and cherry), Onions, Basil, Garlic
Want to purchase bread to pick up with your Farm Share on Wednesday? See our Bread ordering page here. Ordering is open until 7 am on Tuesday.
Market Share CSA Members:
Ordering is open until 7 am on Tuesday for…Basil, Eggplant, Garlic, Parsley, Squash, Tomatoes (including bulk options)…and our Organic, Naturally Leavened, Wood-Fired Bread. Reserve your selection online to pick up on Wednesday, July 20.
Recipe Suggestions:
Grilled Bread with Ricotta & Tomatoes
Fajitas with Peppers & Onions
Summer Squash with Onions
Caprese Pasta Salad
Roasted Cherry Tomatoes
Smothered Summer Squash with Basil
Enjoy ~
Janet, Dan, & the whole Broadfork crew
Want to follow along during the week, including Farm Stand updates? Visit us on Facebook or Instagram.