This Wednesday’s Farm Share will most likely include:
Salad Mix, Hearty Greens Mix, Cilantro, Head Lettuce, Cucumber, Kale, Cabbage, and Scallions.
{Recipe suggestions are found below.}
Want to purchase bread to pick up with your Farm Share on Wednesday? See our Bread ordering page here. Ordering is open until 7 am on Tuesday.
And…we are happy to have been given a copy of Taproot magazine to pass on to each of you. This is an independent, ad-free, quarterly magazine focusing on food, farm, family, and craft. We have enjoyed our subscription since they started a few years ago. Recently, they asked CSA farms to apply to receive complimentary copies to pass on to CSA members. We applied and today we received them. Please look for a stack at each pick up location and help yourself to a copy. Each quarter has a different theme, and this edition’s theme is ::PRESERVE. There are moving stories, beautiful art, delicious recipes, and gorgeous crafts, including coloring pages. Enjoy!
Market Share members also each receive a copy, though you get your veggies in a less organized fashion, so help us connect you with the magazine over the coming weeks. If it’s not in your bag with an order, remind us to hand you one at the market booth.
Market Share CSA Members:
Ordering is open until 7 am on Tuesday for…Yukina Savoy, Mizuna, Cabbage (two types), Chard, Cilantro, Collards, Cucumbers, Hearty Greens Mix, Head Lettuce, Kale, Kohlrabi, Radishes, Salad Mix, Scallions, Squash, Turnips…and our Organic Bread. Reserve your selection online to pick up on Wednesday, June 8.
General Eating Tips – It’s now summer, and the food is delicious but we all tend to get busy. Trust us – we know! Our family is now at swim team practice each night. How to eat well and not go crazy? Here’s our best suggestions:
1) Make lots of salads and prepare to travel with them! Whether in a mason jar or plastic container for pool-side, just chop up the veggies and make a salad for as many meals as possible. Your body (and those of your household) will thank you. 2) Top your salad well. (Think Crosby Stills and sing this to the tune of “Teach…the children well…”) Add as many toppings as you can:other vegetables, fruit, protein. Nuts, raisins, cheese, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds. Tuna, salmon. Use a variety of oils and vinegars. Try a type of oil and/or vinegar that you’ve never had before. Add a bit of honey if that will make you eat more salad. 3) Make sandwiches or wraps and fill them well. Use the same mindset suggested above for salads, and fill your sandwich/wrap with as much as you can. Remember that oil, vinegar, and salt (or some other sauce) can make a sandwich go from decent to great. 4) When in doubt, take any vegetable, slice it small, and toss with oil, vinegar, sea salt, and pepper. Then perhaps combine it with a protein and a carb (rice, bread, farro, wheat berries, pasta, etc.) to make a vegetable-based meal without fuss. We’re not nutritionists or dietitians, but we have helped many people eat more vegetables over the years.
Specific Recipe Suggestions:
Cabbage – Chop, top with oil, salt, and pepper, and bake for a full hour and a half at approx. 400 degrees and you will discover that the cabbage takes on a whole new, and amazing, flavor.
Cilantro – See here for recipes like Cilantro Lime Shrimp, Cilantro Chimichurri (often served with lamb or steak but sub any protein), Cold Marinated Sirloin & Noodle Bowl (sub any protein), Cilantro & Ginger Hummus, Cilantro Pesto, Chili-Cilantro Sour Cream (suggested to be paired with Sweet Potato Fries), and more. And remember to simply add some Cilantro leaves to any salad for a fresh and tasty twist.
Kale –Summer Kale Salad with Cherries & Balsamic Vinaigrette
Head Lettuce – Taco Lettuce Wraps
Sauces – to go on sandwiches with greens and scallions, etc: See this collection of sandwich sauces such as Garlic Aioli, Chipotle mayo, etc.